Baramah Tukkhari Te Maaj

Baramah Tukkhari Te Maaj

by Prof. Sahib Singh(Author)

Book ID: 1900
Total Downloads: 438

'Brahmah Tukkhari Te Maaj’ was originally written by reverend Gurus of the Sikh religion. It was later published and authored by Prof Sahib Sing. 'Brahma Tukkhari Te Maaj' refers to the verses composed by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Maaj and verses created by Guru Nanak Devji in Raag Tukkhari. These were composed within 12 months (Baramah). Baramah contains heart rendering, emotional description of the pain of separation and then the experience of comfort and peace at the re-union with the beloved. Baramah is based on the twelve months of the Indian calendar. It is not bound by the verse scheme or mode. In this Baramah mentioned are the name of the months in the starting verse. The changes that are brought about in the seasons and the environment with the changing twelve months are bound to impact human mind and his behavior.

'Brahma Tukkhari Te Maaj' is recorded in the beginning of Tukhari Raag in Sri Guru Granth Sahib. So this is an original contribution to Gurmat literature to the Punjabi literature. This first Baramaha is a fine example of poetic excellence. In this book Prof Sahib Singh explains the theme of the Baramaha during early period had been the state of mind of a lovelorn heroine. The first eleven months describe the mind when the beloved is suffering in the separation of her lover while the re-union and the ecstasy of re-union is the spirit of the twelvemonth. It describes the comfort, peace and immense happiness in the long awaited.

Professor Sahib Singh  was a Sikh academic who made a contribution to Sikh literature. He was a grammarian ,author,scholar and theologian.Prof.Sahib Singh wrote extensively in Punjabi,but most of his works have now been translated into other prominent languages,His Literary works include Savaiye Sri Mukhvak Maihla 5 ate Bhatta De Savaiye Steek (1930),Jap Ji Sahib Steek (1931) ,Asa Di Vaar Steek (1933),Sukhmani Sahib Steek (1939),Guru Granth Darpan.

Book Id 1900
Languages Punjabi
Release Date 05/08/2013

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    By Amarpreet Singh on 1/11/2017