Importance of Turban

Swami Ramdev explaing the Importance of Turban

Mandeep Kaur (Sikh Chaplain) talks about #MyTurban

Mandeep Kaur is Sikh Chaplain to Her Majesty\'s Armed Forces. She shares her thoughts with Turbanology about the importance of the Sikh Turban for Women

MISTAKEN IDENTITY-A 9/11 Story on Sikhs in America

Winner of 3 first prize awards, this is Amanda Gesine\'s personal discovery of what happened to Sikhs after 9/11. She was shocked at the racial profing, verbal abuse and killings by Americans who mistook Sikhs for Arabs because they wore turbans and beards for religious reasons. She was determined to make a entertaining film showing her fellow Americans who are Sikhs, what is Sikhism and how they have contributed to the American economy for over 100 years as hardworking immigrants. This is her legacy to the world !

Proud to be a Sikh

Sikhism & spirituality

Saran speaks about sikhism & spirituality.

Sikhs (Part 2of3)

White, Black, Brown Sikhs this shabad is available for download at

Sikhs (Part 1of 3)

White, Black , Brown Sikhs this shabad is available for download at

Sikhs (Part 3of3)

White, Black, Brown Sikhs this shabad is available for download at

Sikhs Praying

The Practice of Langar

The practice of Langar at Gurudwara Bangla Sahib, Delhi

true sikhism is tolerance, sikhs are NOT muslims

Sikhism is a truly peaceful religion. Tolerance of others\' belief is mainstay of Sikhism. And dear friends in west: SIKHS are NOT MUSLIMS.

Turban Tying - Women\\\'s Turban This style originated from the western Sikh communities in America. Most western Sikh women who become a Sikh wear a turban (whether or not they are Amritdhari). This is a common style which is worn. Usually it is at least two layers. One layer of turban fabric and then a white chuni at the final \"finished\" layer. This page has a collection of videos which are meant to assist people in learning how to tie a turban, or to learn a different style of turban. The turbans listed here are those generally worn by people of the Sikh faith. There are quite a few different variations and turban styles that Sikhs wear. These videos are just some of the many variations. We hope that these videos are helpful for you.

We Are Sikhs

Director, Harpreet Kaur brings you, We Are Sikhs an educational documentary, which gives a brief introduction of the Sikh religion and shows how Sikhs have integrated into the American society. It is a visual collage of Sikh Children, Students and Professionals who share their beliefs and experiences. The documentary gives the viewer a wonderful opportunity and a glimpse of the lives of Sikhs. It is an attempt to demystify their distinct appearance and present their history, philosophy and lifestyles concisely. For more information contact: Sach Productions-

What is Sikhism? Who are the Sikhs? (Shooting Oak

The recent shootings at Oak Creek Sikh Temple Wisconsin USA, shocked us all. This video will help explain Who are the Sikhs? What is Sikhism? Is Sikhi a religion? Is Sikhism a way of life? Is Sikhi a philosophy? What different ways can we describe Sikhi? What is Sikhism? What do Sikhs believe? Is Sikhi a way to become one with God? Why be a Sikh?

What is the purpose of Life? Sikhism Sikhs

What do the Gurus say about: What is life? What is the point and purpose of life? Why do we pray? Why do we worship god? Why were we created? What are the concepts of mergiing with the divine? What is reincarnation?

Who are Sikhs(In America)? - Part 1

If you want to know who are Sikhs, watch these videos, both Part 1 & 2.

Who are Sikhs(In America)? - Part 2

If you want to know who are Sikhs, watch these videos, both Part 1 & 2.

Why Do Sikhs Keep Their Hair?

Shanti Kaur Khalsa explains why Sikhs don\'t cut their hair. Cutting the hair is one of the co-rehets, meaning Guru Gobind Singh commanded that Sikhs shouldn\'t do it. The hair (kesh) is also one of the 5 k\'s. The hair channels spiritual energy in action, which helps people in the householder lifestyle. There are also traditions where people shave their heads completely. This makes the spiritual energy go internally.

Why Do Sikhs Wear Turbans?

Shanti Kaur Khalsa explains the history, tradition, and practical reasons for wearing a turban. Wearing a turban has always been in the Sikh tradition from the time of Guru Nanak, but it was formalized by Guru Hargobind in declaration of sovreignty and royalty despite the fact that only kings at the time wore turbans. We can see that turbans signify royalty. Turbans are one way that Sikhs are recognizable and distinct (Niara). Guru Gobind Singh gives his blessings to his Sikhs who remain Niara. The turban also houses and protects the uncut hair (Kesh) coiled on the top of the head. The hair is tied at an important spiritual center on the body - the Dasam Duar (7th Chakra), and the turban contains the hair. The turban also crosses pressure points on the temples which help a person to be calm and centered. Shanti Kaur encourages women to wear turbans because this is a tradition not based on gender but on the human body, and yet most Sikh women don\'t wear one. The turban is the insignia of a Sikh so that we have to stand out and be accountable for the values that we hold.

Why Do We Fold Our Hands in Prayer?

The reason behind our folding hands and praying is very well explained by Guruka Singh KhalsaJi.