Bhai Ajeete Randhave Di Guru Nanak Dev Ji Naal Hoi Gosht

Bhai Ajeete Randhave Di Guru Nanak Dev Ji Naal Hoi Gosht

by Bhai Ajeete Randhave(Author)

Book ID: 4023
Total Downloads: 430

Bhai Ajeete Randhave Di Guru Nanak Dev Ji Naal Hoi Gosht

Book Id 4023
Publisher Bhai Ajeete Randhave Di Guru Nanak Dev Ji Naal Hoi Gosht
Languages Punjabi
Release Date 11/11/2019

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Customer reviews

  •  Sorry to say, but its soo hard to read. Some words are incomplete in gurbani section and there is not proper use of fullstops or commo's and the typing or printing is soo poor. I know you put too much effort to write this but please put little effort on printing and reading it.

    By Amitoj Toor on 9/23/2021