Book Mardana ji setting 2020 correction By Gurinderpal Singh Josan

Book Mardana ji setting 2020 correction By Gurinderpal Singh Josan

by Gurinderpal Singh Josan(Author)

Book ID: 4430
Total Downloads: 162

Book Mardana ji setting 2020 correction By Gurinderpal Singh Josan

Book Id 4430
Languages English
Release Date 12/28/2020

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Saragarhi Saka By Gurinderpal Singh Josan

by Gurinderpal Singh Josan(Author)



57 Total Downlods

Customer reviews

  •  It is a. Great book ... This is the only one book came from the roots to the growing leafs of family of bhai mardana ji ... Author done it by showing that we all are making trusts gifting rababas to the people's on the name of mardana ji but the actual growing fmily is still in some bad situation and we are not promoting them to promote the rababi kirtan and as this book also contain a chapter on sant syed prithipal Singh ... Who was my great-grandfather is. Also a great pleasure that a author gurinderpal singh josan ji while writing the whole theme he only written the main material from the content and reflected all theme in some content .. love to promote this types of book ...for generation for sikhi

    By simar singh on 2/19/2021

  •  It is a. Great book ... This is the only one book came from the roots to the growing leafs of family of bhai mardana ji ... Author done it by showing that we all are making trusts gifting rababas to the people's on the name of mardana ji but the actual growing fmily is still in some bad situation and we are not promoting them to promote the rababi kirtan and as this book also contain a chapter on sant syed prithipal Singh ... Who was my great-grandfather is. Also a great pleasure that a author gurinderpal singh josan ji while writing the whole theme he only written the main material from the content and reflected all theme in some content .. love to promote this types of book ...for generation for sikhi

    By simar singh on 2/19/2021