Gurbani Te Sikh Itihas Bare

Gurbani Te Sikh Itihas Bare

by Prof. Sahib Singh(Author)

Book ID: 2103
Total Downloads: 744

Published in 1946, ‘Gurbani Te Sikh Itihas Bare’ is a brief cumulative account of Sikh history and religious philosophy. Segregated in five parts, Prof Sahib Singh takes the readers through a brief history of Gurbani, and how it was passed on from the first Guru, Guru Nanak, to the fifth Guru, Guru Arjan Dev, who finally compiled it in the form of Guru Granth Sahib.

Then the author goes on to de-mystify certain myths about the historical events in the timeline of Guru’s lives. This revisiting of history became important in context of the debates raging about some new discoveries of hymns, which were claimed to be written by Guru Nanak. Hence it became incumbent upon the great theologian to historically defend the unity of Gurbani, to safeguard the believers’ interests.

Professor Sahib Singh  was a Sikh academic who made a contribution to Sikh literature. He was a grammarian ,author,scholar and theologian.Prof.Sahib Singh wrote extensively in Punjabi,but most of his works have now been translated into other prominent languages,His Literary works include Savaiye Sri Mukhvak Maihla 5 ate Bhatta De Savaiye Steek (1930),Jap Ji Sahib Steek (1931) ,Asa Di Vaar Steek (1933),Sukhmani Sahib Steek (1939),Guru Granth Darpan.

Book Id 2103
Languages Punjabi
Release Date 06/12/2013

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