Khalsa Panth

Khalsa Panth

by Swami Ram Tirath Dandi Sanyasi(Author)

Book ID: 1155
Total Downloads: 679

Swami Ram Tirath also known as Dandi Sannyasi was a recluse who after a prolonged spiritual quest turned to the Guru Granth Sahib. For his early education. Ram Tirath was apprenticed to a Pandit in Nabha from where he moved to Patiala to study Sanskrit grammar . He wrote a book entitled, "Sarvotam Dharam Granth - Siri Guru Granth Sahib te Sarvotam Dharam - Khalsa Panth", meaning the best scripture is Guru Granth Sahib ji and the best religion is the Khalsa Panth.

Book Id 1155
Languages Punjabi
Release Date 05/31/2014

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Customer reviews

  •  Excellent Book By Swami Ram Tirath Ji, He shared his knowledge about Hindu and Sikh Granths and Way of Life.

    By Avninder Singh on 7/31/2016