

by Giani Sant Singh Ji Maskeen(Author)

Book ID: 1912
Total Downloads: 1220

'Lavan: Four Stage Of The Spiritual Sphere' was authored by Panth Rattan Bhai Sant Singh Maskeen Ji. In this book  Bhai sahib explains the meaning and importance of Lavan, the Sikh marriage ritual. The Lavan hymns are compositions of Guru Ram Das, and were written for the occasion of his own wedding to Bibi Bhani. Guru Ram Dasji’s compositions are meant to fuse the soul of the bride and groom into one being aware that they are subsequently wedded in spiritual union with God. The verses of the Lavan are in the scripture of Guru Granth Sahib. Lavan conjointly means the ‘Anand Karaj’ Sikh wedding ceremony. The Anand Karaj is conducted in the presence of  Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and it is a sacred ceremony that binds a boy  and girl in a spiritual marital union; the mate is a companion and life partner with whom to lead the divine path of Sikhism.

Giani Sant Singh Ji Maskeen was born in 1934 at Pakistan to father Kartar Singh and mother Ram Kaur. He authored more than a dozen books. Some of his famous books includes Guru Chintan, Ras Dhara, Amrit Manthan, Ratnagar and Shabad Guru.He was given the title of Panth Ratan for his services to mankind through the message of Gurbani.

Book Id 1912
Languages Punjabi
Release Date 05/09/2013

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