

by Kapur Singh(Author)

Book ID: 153
Total Downloads: 183

Book Id 153
Languages English
Release Date 11/27/2015

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Customer reviews

  •  This book is a must read for those who want to have an understanding of Khalsa spiritual and political ideology. The author first examines the historical accounts of Vaisakhi 1699, then goes on to analyse the identity of the Khalsa and Guru Gobind Singh ji (particularly examining the differences between Sikhism and Hinduism), before looking at ideas of Sikh polity. Sardar Kapur Singh's knowledge base in evidently vast and his written English is superb. Although at times this text has passages that are difficult to comprehend this is no fault of the author, but rather the lack of knowledge on the reader's part to grasp his great understanding of other religions vis-a-vis Sikhism. On the eve of Vaisakhi 2017 I write this review, I pray to Waheguru that all of our panth gets to read any of Sardar Kapur Singh Ji's works.

    By Harjas Singh on 4/12/2017