Slok Guru Angad Sahib Steek

Slok Guru Angad Sahib Steek

by Prof. Sahib Singh(Author)

Book ID: 2116
Total Downloads: 465

Slok Sri Guru Angad Sahib Steek was the first initiative by Prof Sahib Singh of publishing an entire body of work of a Guru Sahib in a cumulative form. The reason seems obvious, as Guru Angad Dev ji has only written a total of 63 Sloks (verses), as compared to the Bani of other Guru Sahibs. Though small in numbers, Guru Angad Dev Ji’s sloks contain a sea of spiritual teachings to guide the followers towards a life of piety.

Interpretations to these Sloks were initially published in Prof Sahib Singh’s cumulative work on the 22 Vaar inscribed in Guru Granth Sahib, but later, a separate ‘Slok Sri Guru Angad Sahib Steek’ was envisioned and published in 1948, at the behest of Prof Singh’s publishers. This new approach allowed Prof Sahib Singh to elaborate on his understanding of the central philosophical bent of Guru Angad Dev, in totality. Read on.

Professor Sahib Singh  was a Sikh academic who made a contribution to Sikh literature. He was a grammarian ,author,scholar and theologian.Prof.Sahib Singh wrote extensively in Punjabi,but most of his works have now been translated into other prominent languages,His Literary works include Savaiye Sri Mukhvak Maihla 5 ate Bhatta De Savaiye Steek (1930),Jap Ji Sahib Steek (1931) ,Asa Di Vaar Steek (1933),Sukhmani Sahib Steek (1939),Guru Granth Darpan.

Book Id 2116
Languages Punjabi
Release Date 06/12/2013

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